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How much does Metlife car insurance cost per month?

MetLife is quite expensive for auto insurance. For an ideal customer, someone in their sixties with an excellent credit score and a clean driving record, they can expect to pay around $ 1,200 per year. But if you have a poor driving record or credit score, then there are better insurance companies for you.

How much does MetLife car insurance cost per month?

Met Life auto insurance prices can vary greatly depending on your demographics and other considerations. Met Life, as an auto insurance company, pays close attention to its customers’ credit scores and driving history when generating quotes.

Full coverage with Met Life would cost you around $ 1,224 per year, so just over $ 100 per month. However, that price assumes that you have an excellent credit score, a clean driving record and that you are 60 years old. So, in other words, you might expect a quote around that price if you are an ideal customer in the eyes of Met Life.

If you’re 20, you should expect your rates to approach $ 2,400 per year or just over $ 200 per month. Likewise, if you’ve been involved in a “fault” accident worth more than $ 1000, or have ever had reckless driving or a DWI charge, then you might expect an annual fee of $ 2,500 to $ 3,200, or around $ 210. for $ 260 per month.

In addition, the above prices assume that other categories, such as credit score and age, are not considered. So, if you are a non-ideal candidate, your annual prices could be very high and MetLife is probably not the insurance company for you.

Pros and Cons of Met Life Auto Insurance

One of the biggest benefits of Met Life insurance is that the company greatly rewards drivers with good credit scores. So, if your credit score is “very good” or “excellent”, Met Life might be a good choice for you.

Drivers with very good credit scores can expect to pay around $ 1,500 per year or $ 125 per month, while drivers with excellent credit scores could expect to pay up to $ 1,300 per year or $ 108 per month.

A downside to Met Life is that for drivers with an unsafe driving history in their record, prices will be much higher than some competitors. So, if you are a driver with unsafe driving history, other insurance providers may be a better option for you.

Also, Met Life is a bad choice for teens and young people in general and for their early twenties. If you are considered a teenager, your rates could easily reach $ 6,000 per year.

Who could benefit the most from Met Life:

Although Met Life is one of the most expensive insurance companies out there, for some people it could definitely be the best choice.

Met Life offers some special coverage, for example, they give special insurance to rideshare workers, such as Uber and Lyft drivers. They also offer 24/7 customer service, total loss replacement coverage, new car replacement, and more.

You’ll also find savings through MetLife when packing home, car, and other types of insurance.

So all in all, MetLife is a more expensive company, but for older people with good credit scores and clean driving records, and even for Uber drivers, it’s a pretty good choice for an insurance company.

Why Did GetHuman Write “How Much Does Metlife Car Insurance Cost Per Month?”?

After thousands of MetLife – Auto Insurance customers came to GetHuman looking for an answer to this problem (and many others), we decided it was time to publish the instructions. So we put together How much does Metlife car insurance cost per month? to try to help. It takes time to go through these steps according to other users, including the time taken to work on each step, and contact MetLife – Auto Insurance if necessary. Good luck and let us know if you’ve solved your problem correctly with the directions from this page.

Why does GetHuman Write How-to Guides for MetLife – Auto Insurance Problems?

GetHuman has been researching information on large organizations such as MetLife – Auto Insurance for over 10 years to help customers resolve customer service problems faster. We started with contact information and the fastest ways to reach a human in large companies. Especially those with slow or complicated IVRs or phone menu systems. Or companies that have self-service forums instead of customer service. From there, we realized that consumers still needed more detailed help solving common problems, so we extended to this set of guides, which grows every day. And if you run into any problems with our guide 

Are you looking for an Accident policy with MetLife?

Promptly MetLife, by MetLife is the product of Accident Insurance.

Accident insurance includes various risks to protect the customer from any accident such as Death, Permanent Disability, Hospitalization Allowance in the sphere of Accident insurance.

Promptly MetLife is valid both for 24/7 coverage and for Direct Compensation, but also for Age, Occupational Accident Risk, Deductible.

With MetLife insurance, you choose the guarantees and the level of protection you want.

Among the other products for the same type we have Generali Sei In Sicurezza Basic by Generali, Vitruvio Strada by Afi Esca, Amissima 3 per te by Amissima.

For other insurances, MetLife offers Mortgage , Less Male! for Accidents.

How much is the cost of Accident Insurance with MetLife?

MetLife promptly has a very variable price depending on the guarantees you choose.

The staff will help you at every stage, from the quote to the stipulation of the policy, even in the event of a claim.


Choosing a health insurance plan doesn’t have to make you cringe.

As we head into another health insurance enrollment season, the Affordable Care Act Marketplace ( and Medicare—Beyond Type 1 are here for most employer-provided coverage. To help you navigate the overwhelming array of options.

HMO versus PPO, high deductible versus low deductible. First of all, what do these acronyms stand for? So how do you know what’s best for you and your family’s health needs?

Next, we will explain how to enroll and what you should consider depending on the type of coverage you have or want to obtain. You can also visit the Guide to Medical Insurance for T1D if you are looking for more information on the elements of coverage you can consider.


Open enrollment is the annual period when people can openly enroll in health insurance plans on the Affordable Care Act Marketplace, also known as the Healthcare Exchange or, to next year. The enrollment period opens on Monday, November 1, and closes on Saturday, January 15, 2022. This is a unique extension for 2022 coverage only due to the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s an eleven-week window to secure care for next year.

It’s a six-week window to secure health care for the following year.

Suppose you don’t enroll by January 15. In that case, you’ll only be able to get 2022 coverage if you qualify for one of the marketplace’s Special Enrollment Periods, such as a life event like losing work-based health insurance, getting married, having a baby, or losing insurance in a divorce or separation. People who qualify for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) can apply for coverage at any time.

Plans purchased during open enrollment begin January 1, 2022. You can apply using this checklist and enroll here starting Monday, November 1.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that a plan with lower initial costs (i.e., your monthly premium) may end up costing more money overall because it may have less coverage for your necessary drugs and supplies.

Be sure to pay close attention to the plan’s prescription drug/pharmacy coverage. Coverage for durable medical equipment and deductible.

So what are the options and their most significant differences?


HMO stands for “Health Maintenance Organization.” These plans provide access to doctors and hospitals within a network established by your insurance plan. Networks are made up of providers who have agreed to provide your health services at the prices they have negotiated with the insurance company.

This often means providers are paid less than the insurer than they might typically get. They make this concession because of the easy access to large numbers of patients that the plans provide.

The lower cost sounds good. Well, that’s right. In exchange for accepting the limitations of an HMO (discussed below), patients typically pay lower-paid monthly premiums (your monthly fee for having insurance). Deductibles (the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurer starts paying your health care costs) also tend to be lower.

The biggest drawback of HMO plans is that they only contract with many doctors and hospitals in an area. Insurers will not pay for medical care received from out-of-network providers. So if you go out of network, you’ll suddenly find yourself with massive health care costs.

When you join an HMO plan, you must choose a primary care physician at that time. Next, you must get a referral from your primary care doctor before seeing any specialists. It is important to note that some health services, such as annual screening mammograms, do not require a referral. Usually, though, you’ll need a referral, which often means you have to visit the office before the office visit you’re looking for.

Other HMO drawbacks include an annual limit on the number of office visits, tests, and specific treatments.

Choose an HMO plan if lowering health care costs is your top priority. While you’ll face limits on who you can see based on your plan’s network, your monthly premiums and deductibles will be lower. However, keep in mind that you’ll need to get referrals for specialist services, and there may be annual plan limits on office visits and certain health services.


PPO stands for “Preferred Provider Organization.” These plans offer much more leniency when seeing out-of-network health care providers without a referral. In general, you can see who you want whenever you want. The hurdle: That freedom and flexibility usually come with higher costs.

Like their counterparts, PPO plans also establish provider networks. The plans have fewer restrictions on going out of network. With most PPO plans, you can also skip the referral process and make an appointment with a specialist (an endocrinologist, for example, for those with Type 1 diabetes). You don’t have to take the step of seeing your primary care doctor and rack up another office visit first.

But it’s essential to be aware of the cost consequences of going out-of-network and remember that seeing an out-of-network provider will generally cost more than staying in-network. While PPO plans include an out-of-pocket maximum for in-network care, money spent out-of-network generally doesn’t count toward that limit. That means you’ll find yourself paying, paying, paying for health care services. PPOs also typically have higher premiums and higher deductibles.

Choose a PPO plan if you want the flexibility to go out of network and avoid referrals and if you’re the type of patient who uses their health care services regularly and has a need to see specialists.


For most people, Medicare eligibility is based on age. You can enroll during a window that begins three months before the month you turn 65 and ends three months after the month of your birthday, or you can enroll during Medicare Open Enrollment, which is Friday, October 15, 2021, through Tuesday. December 7, 2021, for 2022 coverage.

During that initial window of eligibility, you can enroll in traditional Medicare. Which is the government’s fee-for-service health plan with two parts (A for hospital insurance and B for medical insurance), or Medicare Advantage, a health plan Medicare offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare and offers Parts A and B. You can also sign up for supplemental coverage or choose a drug plan. Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, having Medicare Part A is sufficient to meet the law’s requirements for minimum essential coverage.

If a Medicare plan covers you, this open enrollment period is the only time you’ll be able to make changes to your coverage, so it’s worth reviewing your plan to see if any changes need to be made.

Traditional Medicare, the government fee-for-service health plan, has two parts (A is for hospital insurance and B is for medical insurance). Medicare Advantage is a Medicare health plan offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare and offers Parts A and B. You can also sign up for supplemental coverage or choose a drug plan (Part D).

Under the Affordable Care Act, having Medicare Part A is enough to meet the law’s requirements for minimum essential coverage. Still, if you live with diabetes, it’s more cost-effective to be covered by Part B, and Part B. Part D. Medigap plans are supplemental plans that offer more help with costs.

A key difference for 2021 was the new Medicare Part D senior savings model. In these plans, out-of-pocket costs for insulin are capped at $35 per month with no deductible. However, not all programs offer this cap on insulin costs, and only those who take insulin through syringes or pens qualify. Although the same insulin is often used, those who inject insulin through an insulin pump are considered to be taking “infused medication,” so insulin used through an insulin pump is covered under Part B Medicare and does not offer an insulin cost limit.

You can sign up for Medicare online, over the phone by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227), or by going to your local Social Security office. Medicare Advantage plans are sold through private insurers. To find Medicare plans, use the Plan Finder. Be sure to select that you want to see your drug costs when you compare plans and choose to add the brand name to each of your insulin prescriptions instead of adding the generic name. As you reach each project, click “view drugs and their costs” to find out what your actual out-of-pocket costs will be before and after your deductible.


The types of plans offered by the employer are very similar, if not often the same, like the programs offered through the Health Exchange, but the employer will usually cover part of the cost as part of its benefits package. Employees. Many companies offer various levels of coverage, which you can choose based on your personal needs. To learn more about what to consider when selecting a plan, visit the Guide to health insurance for people with T1D.

An Introduction of Z Library and Their Alternative in 2022

An Introduction of Z library and their alternative in the year 2022 are two projects based on digital libraries. The Z library is funded by donations from the California State Library and the Kahle/Austin Foundation. The project provides access to unlimited books, ebooks, and other digital content. There are 24 types of account and each type of account has different functions. You can search for books by author, title, or category. Another great feature is full-text search. This is especially useful for searching for a book by a single word.

Features of Z Library

As the name implies, Z library is a website that allows you to download free e-books and audiobooks. You can browse the latest books, bestseller lists, and other popular titles. These sites are perfect for those who want access to a large number of books without having to pay for them. An Introduction of Z library and their alternative in the year 2022 An Introduction of Z library and their alternative in 2020 para: Another important feature of the platform is that you can download and read all types of e-books for free. You can browse the recently added books, the most popular ones, or browse the latest releases and bestsellers in your favorite genre. This makes Z library an excellent resource for learners and book lovers alike.

Apart from providing free e-books, the Z library also supports the use of multilingual books. You can use this site to search for your favorite books in many languages. You can browse the catalog by year, language, publisher, or MD5. You can even use your browser’s search feature to find your favorite books and articles. It’s easy to navigate, so it’s a must-visit site.

There are many benefits of Z library. You can use it for free without registering, but it is better to register if you wish to access all the additional features. All you have to do is visit the site and enter your email address, password, and name. Once you are registered, you can access the hundreds of thousands of books and magazines. You can browse and read hundreds of books from the comfort of your home.

Users of the Z library can access unlimited books on the site. You will be required to create an account, and then you can browse the library by language, category, author, or publishing year. You can also search by ISBN and international book number. You can use the search engine to find books online. You will also be able to request more than one book, which is an added benefit. An Introduction of Z library and their alternative in the year 2022 para: A brief introduction to the new world of the future will provide you with a clearer picture of the challenges ahead. Moreover, you’ll be able to access unlimited resources for learning. The future of technology will be shaped by the advancement of digital libraries.

Read Also:- An Informative Guidance About Z Library

Free eBooks can be downloaded legally from the internet. You don’t need to sign up to use this service. The vast majority of Ebooks are free. An introduction to Z library and their alternative in 2022 will be available on the web. There are also many legal ways to download ebooks from the internet. An Introduction of Z library and their alternative in the year of 2030 is a good idea for the modern world.

If you are looking for a legitimate alternative to Z library, there is a good option for you. While the Z library is an excellent source of e-books, you’ll need to be careful about plagiarism and piracy. An Introduction of Z library and their alternative in the year 2022 para: Before you start using Z library, you need to register. You’ll need a valid e-mail address and a password. You’ll also need to choose a label, which is essentially your username on the platform. This will serve as your username. A name is equivalent to a username.

Best Z Library Alternatives

Here, We discuss the list of Z library alternatives. Below are the mentioned list:-

  • Project Gutenberg.
  • The Literature Network.
  • The Open Library.
  • Bookbub.
  • Overdrive.
  • LibriVox.
  • Internet Archive

The Z library is free to use. To use it, you simply need to register with your email address. You’ll be able to download as many books as you need for free. The Z library is also very convenient for busy people. You can search for titles by author, title, language, and ISBN. It’s also easy to create a personalized reading list of books that you want and send to other people.

EyeMed U.S. Laser Network

What is EyeMed?

In today’s blog post, I will talk about EyeMed eye insurance. We all want insurance with the thought that perhaps it will be a great value that we will get something for nothing, but that is not the case. The EyeMed company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Italian corporation Luxottica. EyeMed has just one “Laser/Lasik/PRK“ company on their website listed as providers. Although it appears that the “US laser network” has many providers, all roads lead to the same company: LasikPlus, which owns TLC and LASIK vision Institute.

Who is EyeMed?

The EyeMed website says that they have 36 million members. This number has not changed in a very long time, so one would either assume they’re very stable or don’t update the numbers. The members are from companies around the United States that pay EyeMed a monthly premium. For glasses and contact lenses, you are directed to the companies owned by Luxottica: LensCrafters, Target Optical, Sunglass Hut, Pearle Vision, EyeMed vision care plan, Apex by Sunglass Hut, and In short, they own nearly all retail eye care providers except those owned by Walmart and Costco. They also own the license to produce and market all the top luxury eyewear brands, such as Armani, Chanel, Dolce and Gabbana, Michael Kors, Prada, Persol, Oliver Peoples, Valentino, Vogue, and Versace (they’re doing pretty well just in the letter “V” brands!). If you can name a luxury brand that makes glasses, Luxottica most likely owns it.

EyeMed Providers. What is My EyeMed LASIK Benefit?

This blog post will focus more on the EyeMed LASIK benefit. If you go on the LASIK benefit for EyeMed page, all roads lead to the same phone number, which directs you to the LasikPlus call center. They will refer you to one of their wholly-owned subsidiaries. LasikPlus, a privately held company, bought a failing company called “Vision Group Holdings” a few years ago and now owns all the LasikPlus centers, TLC (which initially stood for The Laser Center) and LVI (Lasik Vision Institute). LasikPlus has less than half of the total market share of the LASIK market, but more than any other individual provider by far, and uses that advantage to be exclusively listed on the EyeMed website.

EyeMed Contact Us

When you contact one of the “providers“ for the “US laser network, “ your call or correspondence goes directly to the LasikPlus call center. This is the only option offered. You cannot directly contact anyone else in the United States. LasikPlus has an exclusive agreement with EyeMed to market 36 million members. My point is that the 36 million EyeMed Insurance members should know that they have other options and that the out-of-pocket cost will be the SAME whether or not they go to LasikPlus through their EyeMed LASIK benefit or not. When you go to LasikPlus, they show you the price for LASIK only after your exam. So there is no way to know if you are truly getting a discount or if they are raising the price to cover the “discount.” Don’t ever pay this higher price, because they will reduce it. At SharpeVision, we don’t play shell games and have our price listed on our website. And we price match!

Buy EyeMed Vision Insurance or VSP Eye Insurance

Most of the time, the premium charged by EyeMed offers very little or nothing, but they make it seem like you’re getting an excellent discount. And your employer may be paying the premium, so who cares, right? As I have stated above, the pricing at LasikPlus and its subsidiaries will be the same whether you have EyeMed or not. The only reason they are listed on the EyeMed website is that it gives them access to many members. The members search for their “LASIK benefit” and see the “US LASER Network” and click there. Many do no further research and go straight to a LasikPlus center. I do not know how much, or if, LasikPlus pays EyeMed for this exclusivity, but it would make sense that LasikPlus does pay EyeMed for this exclusive access to 36 million members. For EyeMed, it looks as though there is a benefit when there is none. In reality, LasikPlus offers a “discount“ that is also actually not a discount-it’s the same price after their “$1000 off.” It’s similar to Kohl’s department store that constantly lists “35 to 45% off“ when no one would pay full price. This tactic does work, however. Remember back to JCPenney when they advertised their low everyday prices, with no claim to “45% Off!”? It pretty much killed them. I just went to check out the JCPenney website- to see if they are still in business- and saw for Valentine’s Day. They are offering “up to 70% off.“ See! Offering discounts seems to work psychologically, but there is no value gained in reality.

EyeMed Perks

EyeMed directs you, of course, to retailers that they own. VSP is EyeMed’s most significant competitor and will lead you to brands they own. Luxottica owns all the high-end glasses brands I listed above. The EyeMed discount makes an $800 pair of glasses just $600 after a bargain. Luxottica wins! They collect the $600 for a higher high markup and manage your premiums of up to several hundred dollars per year on 36 million members. If it were just $100/year, this is $3.6 billion annually for controlling the “Eye Insurance” market and selling you only their products. Pretty nice. This makes it very appealing if you want the most fashionable, trendy, and expensive brands. VSP is generally the discount brand of retailers. Luxottica has been brilliant at protecting its brands and buying up all the famous and fashionable brands. They have been accused of cutthroat tactics, such as when they took over Oakley.

Where can I use EyeMed? You can use plans such as VSP at a Luxottica-controlled brand such as target optical, but you may not get as good of benefits. EyeMed likes to keep its members in its network and exclude others.

Who is in EyeMed Network?

As I listed above, it’s all of the exotic owned brands such as LensCrafters, Target Optical, Sears Optical, and Pearle Vision. They also own Eyeglass Hut, an outlet for all the luxury Luxottica brands. It’s a brilliant business tactic and has been called a monopoly by others.

Who is Not Owned by EyeMed Luxottica?

Luxottica does not own several big chains. Walmart and Costco both have independent eye care providers, are not owned by Luxottica, and therefore considered out-of-network if you have EyeMed insurance. Warby Parker has recently emerged as a stylish and trendy brand currently not owned by Luxottica. They went public in the last year and although their stock has dropped precipitously as of this writing, so has the stock market as a whole. They do not have the buying power breadth to start their eye insurance plan yet.

Why do We Have Insurance?

Insurance was initially designed to protect the consumer from significant financial losses. It has been manipulated over the years and currently is designed to benefit large companies such as hospitals, big Pharma, and other ancillary healthcare companies such as Luxottica, or large pharmacy chains that use their power to create monopolies and access to consumers, while providing enormous profits for them both on the product side and the “insurance“ side. The premiums are just gravy-and much gravy! The products are marked up hundreds, if not thousands, of times the production costs. (Ever wonder why Humira costs $5243 for 80mg?) it’s about 600,000 times more valuable than gold! Really? Yes.

They direct you only to their products, of course. The internet has helped people discover alternative providers of products and services, but large corporations have the money to drown out the competition when they need to. (Don’t forget about PAID search optimization on the web.) And the need to drown out competition has decreased as competition has been snuffed out wholesale. Our individual choices nearly invisibly seem to be declining at an accelerating rate.

Business Bookkeeping Services For Small Business

The business bookkeeping services are like working together to understand different aspects. Hiding Your Company’s Financial and Investment Plans Accounting firms are outsourcing agencies that help isolate financial problems and streamline regular accounting entries and reports.

Why hire the business bookkeeping services?

Now, if your company is hiring a business bookkeeping services or certified public accountant to collect and organize accounting tasks, analyze the situation. You need to create another investment plan. The service fee will have to be paid to a separate accountant and a separate section created. It is not possible to make large investments in the work of the company’s personal account in these difficult days. This has given rise to business bookkeeping services companies that help you with your bookkeeping operations. They provide valuable and cost-effective accounting support that can be further customized to suit your company’s needs.

Responsibility of bookkeeping services for small business

In addition, business bookkeeping services have more responsibility for your bookkeeping than having highly qualified staff. However, there are advanced tools that will help you with your bookkeeping and taxation. Instead of spending money and time on daily accounting and investing. You can hire a qualified service outsourcing company.

Why are bookkeeping services best for small business?

This is the best part about hiring bookkeeping services for small business from the very beginning of your business. They can help you learn about internet marketing. You just need to think about what is possible when you get a job as an accountant for a company. The fact is that each outsourcing company offers a wide range of outsourcing services. Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing for Search Engines Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which includes accounting, bookkeeping, taxes, and customer service operations, is a key step in maximizing online traffic to your website. Search engine optimization means optimizing the content of your website with relevant search engine keywords that appear in search results when you type in the Google search box. Follow Google’s guidelines to keep your website’s content popular on the web.

Just think that only bookkeeping services for small business will have the best results. This is not a misunderstanding that causes companies to pay high costs to these outsourcing companies. Outsourcing is an innovative process. And over time, the latest tools and software to support the accounting system will be released to the market. The new market bookkeeping services for small business offers the same high quality services at a low price. So why do you want to oppose the big outsourcing companies?

Take advantage from business bookkeeping services

The business bookkeeping services can be beneficial in many ways. It allows you to manage your accounting tasks. Save your daily transactions in a computer file so that whenever you need to register an official transaction or account. The online bookkeeping services for small business specialists can agree with you instantly. You need to understand how online bookkeeping services for small business can solve many of your business’s problems.

100% trusted and secure gateway for online bookkeeping services for small business

The online bookkeeping services for small business deal with all the financial details of your company, so make sure you do a good internet search and check the credit score of the business bookkeeping services you want to manage. Before signing the contract, we provide an overview of the outsourcing company and the requirements so that you do not feel cheated later. In this case, making a quick decision can completely undermine your business opportunities. The burden is reduced by online bookkeeping services for small business.

Is Amazon Free Cloud Training Worth the Effort

A number of online programs and resources exist to help you learn more about Amazon’s cloud offerings, but the depth and breadth of what they offer varies widely. And unless you have an unlimited budget, it can be hard to determine which services will give you the most bang for your buck or simply take up too much time without providing much value in return. In this article, we’ll look at the pros and cons of several different Amazon-related training resources so that you can determine which one works best for your learning style and needs as an Amazon seller. 

Why should we consider Amazon free cloud training? 

There are a lot of people who are asking themselves why they should consider Amazon free cloud training and if it is actually worth their time. There is no one answer to that question but there are a few things you need to think about before jumping into any kind of training. The first thing you should take into consideration is whether or not your employer offers reimbursement for such classes and if not, how much will it cost you out of pocket. If these questions can be answered with a yes, then you need to ask yourself how eager or interested in learning more about AWS are you. Do you believe that having an understanding of what Amazon Web Services can do for your business can benefit both yourself as well as your company. 

What will we get by signing up for Amazon free cloud training? 

In recent years, online learning has become a highly respected alternative to traditional classroom training. It has also proven itself to be an extremely effective method of training employees for companies big and small. At Amazon, thousands of employees have used cloud-based learning platforms to train for new roles at their company. So what is it about these programs that make them so effective? 

Who are the people who will benefit most from this course? 

Can anyone learn Amazon Web Services? Yes and no. If you are a die-hard techie who loves learning about new software and is looking for a career change, becoming an AWS Certified Developer is right up your alley. If you’re not technical by nature but want to start a business that relies on cloud computing, it may be time to brush up on your coding skills at least enough to get started in Amazon Web Services. Even if you’re somewhere in between, such as someone looking for an educational hobby or side hustle, there’s still plenty of value in taking free courses like these. 

How much time do I need to study? 

It’s easy to assume that you can learn a topic of interest without much time and effort, but don’t underestimate how much time and energy it takes to master a topic. Generally speaking, you should allow yourself at least 20 hours a week to study. If you consider yourself a fast learner and have experience with tech or computers, plan on dedicating an even higher number of hours each week; if you don’t have a lot of prior experience or aren’t familiar with technical topics, double up on your estimated amount of time in order to be sure your studies are effective. And if online training is your jam (no pun intended), figure out how many hours per week you’ll need in order to stay on top of all your studies. 

How can I access these tutorials? 

The videos are available via Amazon’s online services, which can be accessed from any computer or smartphone. You don’t need to download anything from Amazon. Once you log in to your account and search for free cloud training, you’ll see several options. These are all different courses, so you can choose whichever ones interest you most. If you want more information on exactly what they cover before deciding, click on course details instead of view course. That will give you an overview of how long each course is and a more detailed outline of each lesson’s content. You may also want to skim through reviews you never know when there might be one that could help answer a question before it even occurs to you. 

What resources can I use after completing this course? 

After completing your free Amazon Web Services training, you’ll have a solid understanding of what Amazon Web Services does and how it can help you improve your organization. You’ll be able to create virtual machines on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), access blob storage with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), deploy applications on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and perform other necessary tasks. Once you complete your training, however, you may find yourself wondering where to go next with your newfound knowledge. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources out there that can help you master AWS. 

Can I get certification in AWS via this course? 

Amazon, one of many big tech companies offering certification in their cloud services, doesn’t provide all-access AWS certification for free. What it does offer, however, is a free course on the basics of AWS that you can access by joining Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) free tier. There are seven individual modules Deploying to AWS; Using Amazon S3; Deploying Websites with AWS Elastic Beanstalk; Monitoring and Securing Resources; Selling with Amazon Web Services; Using Amazon SQS for Message Queueing and Storing Data with Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) which require about an hour to complete each. 

What Is Short Term Disability Insurance?

Disability insurance

Disability Insurance, sometimes called “Health and Accident Insurance”, is a policy designed to pay a percentage of the owner’s current salary if he or she becomes unable to work. The two main reasons for receiving disability benefits are accidents (whether at work or not) and debilitating illnesses. Employees covered by disability insurance policies must prove that they are unable to perform most of their current duties in order to qualify for total disability status.

Insurance experts advise clients to do a shopping comparison before taking out disability insurance. The least expensive policies can also be the most restrictive in terms of eligibility and monthly payments. Individual insurance companies may set their own conditions, so look out for specific elements such as a significant payout percentage (typically 45% to 60%), a waiting period of 90 days or less to qualify for benefits, and fewer restrictions on employment alternatives. Many workers want to feel useful in occupations that are not affected by a disability, but some disability insurance policies strongly discourage this practice.

Some professional insurance agents believe that the ideal disability policy is a form called “own trade” coverage. Under this type of plan, workers with disabilities can continue to earn income from other jobs while receiving benefits. While policies such as “own business” may benefit the policyholder, insurance companies tend to promote other plans first. An alternative disability insurance policy pays a percentage of lost income if the insured worker agrees to consider only future employment in their current field. Perhaps the worst form of disability insurance could require disabled workers to seek any and all available jobs, including low-paying McJobs with no benefits.

Another element of disability insurance involves returning to work after an illness or accident. A business owner may be able to resume most of their duties but still suffer a loss of income and time. This leads to a requirement called “residual disability”. Residual disability insurance policies must continue to pay a percentage of the insured worker until he or she is working at the same level as before the illness or accident. Some cheaper insurance policies do not offer residual disability coverage or will only payout for lost time and not income.

As with many insurance plans, having disability coverage usually makes more financial sense than not having it. Many group insurance policies provide for emergency treatment or short-term medical care, but few protect workers from the long-term effects of disability or debilitating illness. Having enough income to pay off your mortgage and other basic credit obligations while recovering from a disability accident can be of enormous benefit. Finding affordable health insurance AFTER a major accident or illness can be nearly impossible.

Short-term disability insurance pays a percentage of your salary if you become temporarily disabled, which means that you are unable to work for a short period of time due to an illness or injury unrelated to your job (workers ’compensation coverage will provide replacement income if the condition disables due to work-related injuries). Typically, a short-term disability policy gives you 40 to 80 percent of your disability base salary.

Some people have short-term disability insurance through employers, unions, or other professional organizations. This type of policy is known as group coverage. You can also purchase an individual policy directly from an insurance company or agent, although it will generally be more expensive to purchase your own coverage.

How Short Term Disability Insurance works

Most short-term disabilities have a similar general design. You, or your employer, pay a monthly premium to be covered. When illness or injury prevents you from working, you apply for benefits by talking to someone in your company’s human resources department or your insurance agent. You may or may not have to pay tax on the money you get from a disability policy, depending on whether the premiums for the policy have been paid by you or your employer, and whether they are paid with money before tax or after tax.

Most short-term disabilities require evidence from your doctor that describes your condition and estimates how long you will be away from your job.

Most likely, there will be a waiting period between the date you leave work and the date you qualify for benefits, although short-term disability policies typically kick in within two weeks.

Your employer may require you to use some or all of your sick days before the policy starts paying.

When the period expires, you will receive a set percentage of the salary you received before you were disabled.

Under the Affordable Care Act, large employers are required to offer health insurance to full-time employees, and full-time is defined as 30 or more “hours of service” per week.

In 2015, the IRS clarified the time that an employee receiving disability benefits (short -term or long-term) is considered “hours of service” which means that employers must continue to offer health insurance benefits as long as the employee is still considered an active employee (note that the ACA does not require employers to offer any type of disability insurance, but if they do, and if the employee receives disability benefits, those hours are still counted as hours of service).

How is Long Term Disability Insurance Different?

Long-term disability insurance is also designed to replace a portion of your income when a disability prevents you from working, but it will pay benefits longer than a short-term disability plan.

Long-term disability coverage generally doesn’t start paying benefits until you’ve been unable to work for at least a month, and sometimes for a year or two. But when the benefits begin, they continue for years. Depending on the policy, they may continue until you reach retirement age.

Many employees have both short-term and long-term disability insurance, as the two products can work in tandem with efforts to ensure that disabled employees have access to partial income replacement for almost all disabilities.

Long-term disability coverage is more expensive than short-term disability coverage, because the potential payoff is greater, given the length of time a person can receive benefits.

How Troubled Disability Policies are different

While most short-term disabilities have similar characteristics, each may have different specifications.

Definition of Disability: Some short-term disability policies define disability as the inability to work in your own job. This is known as the “self-occupation” definition of disability. Another policy defines incapacity as the inability to work in any occupation, known as the definition of “any occupation”.

Wait for Service: Some employers will only offer a short-term disability plan after you have worked for them for a certain period of time, for example, six months or a year.

Waiting Period: This is also referred to as the elimination period, and it is the time between when you become ill or injured, and when your disability insurance benefits begin. Short-term disability plans have a waiting period of 0 to 14 days. In principle, policies with long waiting periods have lower premiums. Many short-term disability plans have different waiting periods for different types of disability. For example, a plan may have a seven-day waiting period for illness and no waiting period for accidents that occur outside of work.

Interest rates: Interest rates vary, but are generally between 40 percent and 80 percent of your pre-disability income. If you want a higher rate, you may have to pay a larger premium. Some short-term disability policies change the benefit rate over the benefit period. For example, your policy may pay 80% for the first three weeks of disability and then 50% for the remainder of your benefit period.

Interest Period: A short-term disability policy is intended to replace a portion of your income when you are unable to work for a relatively short period of time, usually three to six months. Some short-term disability policies will continue to pay benefits for up to two years, but they are less common (note that long-term disability coverage, described above, is a different type of policy that will continue to pay benefits for up to several years or even up to age 65. under some plans; long -term disability insurance is much more expensive than short -term disability insurance). Your short-term incapacity policy may allow you to return to work on a probationary basis. For example, your policy may give you a two-week trial period.

Changes to your premiums: If you sign up for a “non-waiver” short-term incapacity policy, the insurance company cannot change your premiums or benefits. However, if you sign up for a “guaranteed renewable” policy, the insurance company is allowed to change your premium, but only if they change it for the entire group of policyholders. The best coverage comes with a plan that is non -cancellable and guaranteed to be renewable, but the plan also tends to have higher premiums.

How to Get Short Term Disability Insurance

Signing a Group Plan

Your employer can offer a short-term disability plan as an employment-related benefit option. If your company offers short-term disability insurance, you can sign up for the plan during your initial enrollment period (when you first qualify for benefits), or during your employer’s open enrollment period.

You may be required to have coverage under the policy for a certain period of time before the pre-existing condition is covered (known as the exclusion period). The ACA eliminates the use of pre-existing waiting periods and exclusions for health insurance benefits, but it does not change the rules related to disability insurance. Details on how the existing situation is handled will be in the short-term disability insurance information provided by your employer, so be sure to read the fine print.

Rules on short-term disability insurance vary from state to state. If you feel your company or insurance company is not treating you fairly, check with your state insurance department. You can access your state insurance department through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners website.

Sign up for the Individual Policy

If you are self-employed or work for an employer that does not offer short-term disability insurance, you may want to consider purchasing an individual policy. You have to undergo medical underwriting to get an individual short-term disability plan (again, the ACA doesn’t change anything about this; health insurance is guaranteed to issue regardless of medical history, but disability insurance doesn’t). When shopping for an individual policy, find a reputable company and make sure you read all the details of your policy.

What types of insurance to take after the wedding?

Once your wedding is over, it’s time to think about the future and your peace of mind. Learn what types of insurance you can take for a smooth life.

Life as a couple will change the way you used to do things and that includes important aspects such as personal finances and the precautions you must take in various areas. And it is that, after the commitment and the wedding, it is important to discuss with your partner about planning for the future and the types of insurance that could protect the family heritage.

Plan for the next few years

Buying real estate, starting a fund to ensure your future children’s education, and perhaps thinking about a second home for vacations are all projects you might think about once your wedding is over. For these plans, it is always advisable to be prepared for any eventuality, so it is important that you know what types of insurance you can take to lead a smooth life. 

According to the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (CONFUSED), insurance is “contracts in which the client makes a payment, called a premium, and with it, the insurer agrees to pay a certain amount in case of some accident or unfortunate event.

There are several aspects of your life and also assets that you can insure through one of these policies. This financial tool will give you peace of mind or financial relief in the event of an unforeseen event that may affect you and your family. Sounds good, doesn’t it? However, not everyone knows which is the most appropriate insurance to take out after their wedding.

3 types of insurance you can take out after your wedding

Check below three types of insurance you can take after your wedding:

1. Life insurance

Estos types of policies work in a simple way: they financially protect the insured’s beneficiaries in the event of death or disability caused by illness or accident. 

According to the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS), only 15% of the working population has life insurance. However, it is the ideal product for a newly married couple, since this policy could help them face debts acquired by buying a house or a car, for example, in the event that one of them dies unexpectedly. 

2. Health insurance for the family

Health insurances are those that are responsible for covering hospital expenses derived from accidents or illnesses, including, in some cases, medical treatments, consultations, diagnoses, analyses, and hospitalization. In addition to protecting yourself, you can take out health insurance for the family, so that everyone who lives with you is covered in the event of an unforeseen event. 

3. Home insurance

This is one of the most important policies you can take once you have your own real estate. Hiring home insurance is essential to protect your assets, in this case, your home, against the multiple threats that can be affected: be it a fire, theft, or some natural disaster such as a storm. 

After the wedding, you will have to make many decisions, some difficult and some easier. But without a doubt, one of the most important is to ensure the goods and people you care about, and for this, insurance is an excellent ally to plan for the future and protect what you love most.

Nature of insurance

There are three main categories of Insurance:

Main insurance: It can be purchased separately. Generally, the guarantee period is longer, the price is medium, and serious illness insurance is sufficient. It is the most important serious illness insurance.

Additional insurance: The price is cheap and the serious illness protection is sufficient, but the insurance period is short and cannot be purchased separately. When the insurance is renewed, it will be underwritten again. So the customer’s biggest risk is that when the real risk comes, they may not be able to have insurance.

Combination insurance: It is sold in bundles of several types of insurance, and the price is relatively high. Generally, it includes comprehensive protection such as critical illness, accident, and life insurance. Critical illness protection is relatively insufficient.

If you do not have any insurance, it is recommended to buy combination insurance, which will be more comprehensive; if you are buying major illness insurance for the first time, it is recommended to buy the main insurance; if you already have some serious illness protection, and want to improve the level of protection, it is recommended to buy additional insurance.

Insurance coverage

General illness major insurance insureds are not limited to gender, as long as the age meets the requirements, they can participate, but there is a certain difference in the number of contributions paid by men and women, and men are higher than women. With the intensification of competition in the insurance market, major illness insurance especially for men, women, and children has emerged in the market. This type of insurance has strengthened protection for specific groups of people. Customers can add such insurance according to the situation, but they must not just buy this type of insurance. kind of insurance. After all, there are still many serious illnesses that do not distinguish between men, women, and children, so it is still necessary to purchase some basic serious illness insurance first.

insurance duty

There are about ten types of the most common serious diseases, so as long as the serious disease insurance covers major diseases and operations such as acute myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, malignant tumor, coronary artery bypass surgery, severe burns, major organ transplants, etc ., then this insurance will cover major diseases. It can be said to be quite sufficient. There are more and more diseases covered by major illness insurance. Many diseases are diseases with extremely low probability, which are almost meaningless to customers. If you want to be right, customers can focus on terminal diseases, diabetes, AIDS, senile diseases. Level of coverage for progressive diseases (eg Alzheimer’s, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s).

In addition, serious illness insurance in the strict sense is its main responsibility, but more and more serious illness insurance also adds some life insurance protections such as high disability, death, and principal repayment. It means more to people. The cash value of the repayment insurance is generally high. In the event of a disease other than the contract, the customer can obtain the treatment fund by surrendering the insurance.

Insurance amount

The determination of the critical illness insurance amount is based on needs. You can roughly estimate the total financial needs of the disease (such as 100,000-150,000 yuan) based on the current level of more common medical expenses for critical diseases, and then subtract your own or The amount that the unit may undertake (such as savings, public medical treatment, serious illness planning, etc.), the figure obtained is the amount that should be supplemented by commercial insurance.

Some serious illness insurance is paid according to a certain multiple (such as 2-3 times) of the basic insurance amount, then you need 100,000 protection, and you only need to buy 50,000 insurance. Critical illness insurance with multiple payouts has a strong protection function.

Because medical expenses are constantly rising, if you want to increase the amount of insurance in 5 or 10 years, you may still need a physical examination. At this time, your physical condition will be relatively poor, and the premium corresponding to the increase in age will also increase. Therefore, it is recommended that critical illness insurance be given priority and be sufficient as much as possible.

If you are buying critical illness insurance for children or young people, you also need to consider inflation. Critical illness insurance with increasing coverage is the best choice.

Term Insurance

When purchasing major illness insurance, pay attention to the choice of the period. In people’s consciousness, serious illnesses seem to belong only to middle-aged and elderly people, while young people are healthy. Due to the accelerating pace of work in modern society, Therefore people have frequent entertainment, often stay up late and work overtime, coupled with the influence of unreasonable dietary structure and other factors, the incidence of serious diseases tends to be younger. young, serious illness is not an accident, and serious illness does not distinguish between young and old. Critical illness protection should be a guarantee that accompanies life and is a cost that must be calculated in life. The liability period of critical illness insurance should cover a lifetime, and it is recommended to insure at least 70 years old.


Insurance is no better than other commodities, and its rates are scientifically formulated by actuarial experts based on the scope of insurance liability. In addition, insurance rates are subject to strict supervision by regulatory authorities, so there is no price competition for insurance products. The price of insurance is proportional to the scope of coverage, and for cheaper insurance products, the scope of liability and payment conditions are bound to be limited.

Due to the lack of sufficient data in my country to measure the risk of serious illness, insurance companies have adopted a floating rate system for much serious illness insurance for the sake of stability. As the age increases, the possibility of diseases will increase. Therefore, the insurance premium is relatively low when you are young. When you get older, the insurance premium will increase rapidly. In order not to increase the economic burden in the future, it is recommended to purchase major illness insurance in advance and Choose a flat-rate policy.

What’s up with cataracts?

A cataract is a common eye disease. Currently, both in developed and developing countries, cataract is the main eye disease that causes blindness. According to the survey results of our country, cataract is also the most important eye disease causing blindness in our country. Normally, the lens behind the pupil is transparent, but when it becomes cloudy, it becomes a cataract. The initial opacity has little effect on vision, and then gradually aggravates, significantly affecting vision and even blindness. The exact cause of cataracts is not known, but it may be related to aging, genetic factors, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, and certain inflammatory diseases in the eye. Usually the onset of both eyes, but the time can be successive, the severity varies. Trauma can also lead to cataracts. Cataracts most commonly occur in people over the age of 50, and patients with high myopia and diabetes develop cataracts earlier. Cataracts are currently not preventable, and surgery has proven to be the most effective and only way to treat cataracts. In general, cataract patients can be considered for surgery when their visual acuity is significantly reduced. The requirements for visual acuity vary from person to person. Generally, if the visual acuity is less than 0.3, surgery can be considered, and those who have higher requirements on visual acuity of 0.5 can also be considered for surgery.

What are the common symptoms of cataracts?

   Senile cataracts are mostly in both eyes, and there are almost no symptoms in the early stage, only a layer of white fog in front of the eyes. Unmoving shadows, gradual loss of visual acuity that cannot be corrected with glasses, and sometimes visual distortion, diplopia, and PolyVision in one eye. In the process of cataract development, individual patients may experience severe eye pain, redness, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms. It is clinically called lens expansion glaucoma in ophthalmology and should seek medical attention immediately to avoid irreversible blindness.

Can drugs treat cataracts?

   Cataract drug treatment has no definite effect. Currently, both at home and abroad are in the exploratory and research stage. For some early cataracts, the development of the disease may be slowed down and the vision will be slightly improved after medication, but this is not necessarily a drug treatment. As a result, the early progression of cataracts to maturity is a relatively long process. For some intermediate and near-mature cataract patients, drugs have no definite therapeutic effect.

What is phacoemulsification intraocular lens implantation for cataracts?

   Phacoemulsification cataract extraction is a special type of extracapsular cataract extraction, which has the advantages of small anterior incision, fast healing, and good vision recovery. Therefore, it has been used by more than 80% of ophthalmologists in developed countries. At present, many experienced cataract specialists in my country are switching from extracapsular cataract extraction to phacoemulsification cataract surgery. The operation is to use a phacoemulsification instrument, through a 3-5mm corneoscleral incision, apply ultrasonic waves to crush the cloudy lens into chyle, and then suck it out. Its advantages are small incision, less tissue damage, well-maintained anterior chamber, short operation time, fast visual recovery, stable refractive status, and small corneal astigmatism.

To what extent should senile cataracts develop to be operated?

   Because the drug therapy of cataracts cannot effectively treat cataracts so far, surgery is still the main method for the treatment of senile cataracts. With the continuous development of cataract surgical instruments and techniques and the improvement of people’s quality of life, the indications for cataract surgery are also being relaxed. In recent years, small incision phacoemulsification cataract extraction has been widely carried out nationwide, which greatly shortens the cataract operation time. Generally speaking, when the cataract causes vision loss and has affected daily work and life, surgery can be performed. For example, in European and American countries, because the visual acuity is above 0.7 to drive a car, cataract surgery is required when the corrected visual acuity is below 0.7. Specific to my country, the situation is more complicated, and it depends on the occupation of the patient, the type of cataract, and the surgical technique of the surgeon. The more common standard is: due to the influence of cataracts, surgery should be considered when the visual acuity is corrected to 0.3–0.4, rather than waiting for the cataract to mature before phacoemulsification surgery because at this time the core part of the cataract is softer than phacoemulsification. The success rate is high, otherwise, phacoemulsification surgery will be lost when the cataract is mature. The risk of surgery is increased, and complications are prone to occur.

Are there any dangers without surgery for severe cataracts?

   Surgery is the best way to treat cataracts. There is no doubt that surgery is necessary, but it is not necessary to have cataract surgery. The best time for cataract surgery has been discussed above, but some people still think that cataracts are ripe. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have surgery, you just can’t see it? Everyone knows that this view is very wrong and dangerous. Because, in the process of cataract development, if not treated in time, there will be many serious complications, such as glaucoma, uveitis, etc. These eye diseases mostly occur in the middle and late stages of cataract, such as swelling and overmaturity, not only It can cause blindness and sometimes severe inflammation in the eye, causing the eyeball to shrink. Some patients may suffer from long-term eye pain, and finally, have to do enucleation as a last resort. Therefore, it is necessary to remind everyone that the development of cataracts to a certain extent requires surgical treatment.