Poster Printing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Posters have been proven to have a massive impact on promoting business and sales. While the internet is crowded with digital ad campaigns, marketers pay less attention to poster printing. However, it’s still effective and requires less investment, which allows you to enjoy high-impact advertising at a budget price. 

Here, the important thing is to create a poster with the right elements and place them in the right position. Most designers don’t realise the significance of each element, considering the product or service they are supposed to promote. This eventually impacts negatively on the investment. 

We know the struggle and what the company owners expect from the poster campaign. Most of us know what we want to include in a poster. However, do we know what not to do? 

In this article, I will be discussing the poster printing mistakes you should avoid when aiming to create a successful poster. Check out if you are making these mistakes. 

Understanding the Importance of Poster Printing

Before going into the mistakes to avoid, I would like to emphasise how important it is to understand the poster making. Before you design, keep in mind that a poster is a visual representation. It will tell the audience about your product, service or any special discount. 

So, to make it prominent and established in the audience’s mind, you must make it attractive and find a unique way to engage with your audience. Whether it’s on digital platforms or outdoor spots, the poster must contain creativity and a catchphrase that will establish its spot in the audience’s mind. 

To do that, the placement of the poster is also important. Post them in such spots where there is high traffic, and your poster is easily visible. A rightly designed poster that is able to connect with the audience emotionally will certainly positively impact the return on investment. 

Poster printing mistakes you should avoid

Designing a poster is a creative job. Though there are no regulations on how to design a poster as such, marketers and audiences both love versatile colours, elements, and fonts. The more colourful and vibrant a poster is, the more it will get the attention of the audience. Keeping that in mind, there are a few things that can make or break a simple poster. So, to ensure your poster fulfils its purpose, below is a list of the mistakes you should refrain from. 

Adding too much information 

A poster’s purpose is to provide the ultimate message to the audience. Hence, we recommend you add too much information. Depending on the size of the poster, it’s best to add a maximum of five to six clusters of information. Otherwise, it will be challenging for the audience to understand and respond to the message given on the poster. 

Having illegible text 

A poster mainly contains colourful images. However, text is no less important than images. While you are focusing on high-resolution images with a photo size increase tool, you must also avoid fuzzy texts. It mostly happens when you don’t choose the right font or print a low-resolution file.

Not setting the right resolution

The quality of the poster print depends on the image resolution. Otherwise, the poster will be blurry. So, when selecting images for a poster, ensure they’re within 300 to 354 dpi. Setting the resolution too low will produce a low-quality poster. On the other hand, too much high resolution will be time-consuming to process as the file size will be large, too. Hence, the resolution must be compatible with the size of the poster. So, make sure the file resolution is high enough and avoid files that are suitable for screen only. 

Inaccurate Bleed

The bleed area is actually the portion that will be cut from the document. If you want the poster elements not to get cut in the printing press, you must add the bleed in the print file. Here, one thing to keep in mind is that no machine is perfect. I will recommend you to keep a little more space from the bleed line. This means when you save the poster file for print, save it in PDF. And when you allow it to print, know the required bleed for each edge beforehand. 

Font mistakes 

Font or typeface meaning texts that are included on the poster. They add the tiny errors that need attention to identify. An interesting fact is that the font you see on the computer and the printer may not have the same font. To avoid this issue, you can save the document file and convert it into PDF. Another way to save the font is to convert the text into vectors, outlines or curves before you export the document. It’s always safe to save a file in PDF; however, know the printer’s requirement for the poster printing option. 

Colour error 

What looks good on your computer may not give the exact outcome as you print. Especially when it comes to colour selection for any poster, firstly, keep in mind the poster design you see on the screen will be different from what you print. The printers use CMYK color space. If your poster file isn’t set up in this format or converted to CMYK, the printed version won’t capture the actual colour. 

If you use black and white images, convert it to grayscale. Some vibrant colours, like cyan, yellow, magenta, black, etc, are processed colours. So, when you set up the colours in the poster, make sure to set it up in CMYK format, and it should not be more than 300%. To avoid any colour errors, you can consult with a printing expert. 

Review, proofread and finalise

In a lot of cases, we don’t carefully review the file before finalising it. Even if we do so, it’s just one person who has been working on preparing the poster file. Here, my suggestion is to get the review done by two people as you finalise the design. Then, get a single poster in print and look for errors. Proofread the file with the reviewer as well as the printing partner. There might be errors like typos, alignment, positioning, etc. Look for the errors carefully, spending enough time and finalising for bulk print. 

Final thought 

So, if you avoid these above-mentioned errors, then you can actually get a pro-quality poster in one go. It will ensure you get your desired poster print. At Print Britannia, you can enjoy hassle-free poster printing with the most advanced technology. You will get high-quality resources at a budget price in less time. From start to end, every step is handled by professionals. So, to get error-free, extensive-quality poster prints, get a poster printing service at Print Britannia.