After-sales: how to improve your broker’s average ticket the right way!

When a sale of a product is made, the relationship with the customer is just beginning, so don’t leave him aside and without attention. In fact, just as important as executing a sale is keeping customers close through after-sales. 

Thinking about it, we brought a complete content that explains why to maintain a post-sale with the customer. No matter what the size of the broker, the truth is that to increase the average ticket, the relationship with the customer after the sale must be one of the priorities of your business. 

Continue reading to find out more!

What is after-sales?

After-sales service refers to all the practices that an insurance salesperson, or any other segment, does to maintain a consistent and satisfactory relationship, with a focus on customer loyalty. 

This is a strategy that requires a lot of attention, mainly because it is a critical part of many companies and especially in the insurance sector. When we say that this sector is more delicate, it is because the broker needs to maintain a relationship of trust with the insured. 

For example, the broker uses all its arguments to offer the products, and the customer is satisfied. But it doesn’t just end there; it is very likely that the same customer will indicate the service in their circle of friends if the broker is present after the sale.

So this is a process where you need to stay active. Working after sales is a way to ensure even more customer satisfaction, especially in a loyalty strategy.

How to improve your broker’s after-sales?

Post-sales follow-up is one of the main practices for the company to increase the average ticket. If, by chance, the brokerage firm has already gone through moments in which the customer base has been reduced, one of the reasons may have been the low use of customers with the product.

However, as for everything, there is a solution; this can also be solved with some important steps. Below, we list some strategies that make after-sales become increasingly relevant at your brokerage.

Keep in touch with customers.

It may seem like something relevant in everyday life, and many people believe that they don’t need to keep in touch with the customer after the sale is made. However, consumers value the experiences that each company contributes, leaving the customer satisfied and willing to feel part of that system.

So don’t be afraid to start a conversation with your customer, but be prepared for possible complaints. The right way is to understand this and try to help you in some way. Since he may have a new problem and you may come up with a solution.

Conduct satisfaction surveys

After-sales is a great tool for executing a satisfaction survey-based strategy, which is great for measuring brand engagement. That is, understand what pleases him and what he does not like within the brokerage, to provide him with the best.

Dissatisfied customers are those who will actually reveal your company’s flaws and areas for improvement. With that, in the next service, you can be better and solve any problem that he may have faster.

Become a subject matter expert

Even before closing a contract with your insurance broker, you can be sure that the customer has already sought all possible information in the market. Because of this, you need to be an expert in what you offer him because he can ask questions that he didn’t find around, and that’s what he needs to close a deal.

As you gain more and more customer trust and loyalty, you can suggest new products to them. This causes your company’s average ticket to rise in a short time, just working on the after-sales.