Online Quran Classes for Free

An online Quran classes for free can be a great way to learn the Quran, whether you’re looking to become more proficient at reading from your own prayer rug or you’re trying to prepare for an exam given by a mosque or Islamic school. Many people wonder how they can get access to these free classes and not have to pay extra money to access them. There are many options out there, so read on below to learn how you can start learning Quran online free with Tajweed today!

Step 1: Why Do You Want To Learn Quran Online

Before diving into free online Quran classes, you should first determine why you want to learn Quranic Arabic. In order to find what’s right for you, ask yourself: 1) What do I hope to achieve? and 2) When do I plan on studying? Each question can help you uncover which style of learning would best suit your personal needs. For example, if speed is of importance, then a self-paced class might work well as opposed to a guided tour type of course. If time isn’t an issue and having someone walk you through each step is something that appeals, then a guided class might be better suited for your individual needs. It’s also important to consider when or where you’ll be able make these studies part of your routine.

Step 2: Knowing your learning style

If you’re planning on getting free online Quran classes, then it’s best to learn more about your learning style and find a resource that works with your preferred way of learning. Does reading give you trouble but videos are easy? All these things matter when it comes to picking a free online Quran class resource.

Step 3: Understanding which method works best for you

If you are reading through each description, writing it down and then trying to write a compelling and professional story based off of that, it’s going to be difficult and time consuming. But, if you have a natural way of coming up with ideas and can easily come up with them quickly, then by all means, keep doing what you’re doing. However, there is an easier way…

Step 4: Choosing an Accredited Learning Program

There are many different learning programs available online that claim to teach tajweed and Quranic Arabic, but it is important to choose one that is accredited by an Islamic organization. The most recognized accreditation comes from Dar El-Iftaa and Al-Azhar University. This has become a standard measure of quality assurance among students, so don’t be fooled by unaccredited providers trying to lure you in with a lower price tag.

Step 5: Finding an Accommodating Teacher

If you’re looking online, there are a number of websites that can help you find Tajweed instructors in your area or online. You should also be sure that you’re being taught by someone qualified; only then will you get proper instruction and learn how to read according to proper Islamic tradition. Here are some things to look out for: Teachers offering their services online must be extremely accommodating, even with students who can’t see well or who have hearing problems.

Step 6: Registering for a Course

If you want to complete a specific course or diploma, then it is possible that a certain fee will be required. You can visit their website or contact them over phone and send an email. However, when contacting them, you should use proper English grammar so that your message is clear. Never write anything in all caps as it creates a sense of anger and urgency. A polite tone helps not only in approaching others but also in business dealings. Here’s an example:I’m Mr.

Step 7: Creating an Effective Study Schedule

If you want to get serious about your studies, then you’ll have to set aside a specific time every day where you sit down and focus on practicing or studying. You’ll also need to decide what types of subjects you’re going to study. You can choose a combination of free Quran classes for kids recitation, Tajweed, Arabic grammar and language courses, or any other subject of your choice.

By Cary Grant

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