History of AARP
AARP is a private nonprofit organization that is the oldest and largest advocacy group for seniors in the United States. The association’s motto is “Serve, Not Be Served,” and the goal of its work is to help older Americans achieve independence, dignity, and an autonomous destiny.
Name: America Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
AARP is a private nonprofit organization that is the oldest and largest advocacy group for seniors in the United States. The association’s motto is “Serve, Not Be Served,” and the goal of its work is to help older Americans achieve independence, dignity, and an autonomous destiny.
In 1947, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, a retired educator in California, founded the National Association of Retired Teachers, the predecessor of AARP, to improve the image and status of retirees. In 1955, the association opened up a life insurance program for its members, and many retired faculty members were interested. The association was established in 1958. Today, across the United States, the Association has more than 30 million members and more than 4,000 chapters. During the boom period, 6,700 members joined the club every day. The association is headquartered in Washington, D.C. Anyone, whether working or retired, can become a member as long as they are over the age of 50, recognize the association’s constitution, and pay an annual membership fee of $10. About a third of the members are still working. Funding for the association comes primarily from annual membership fees. Membership also includes a subscription to the bimonthly magazine Modern Maturity and Bulletin.
Although the association is a non-political organization and does not participate in the election of political candidates, it monitors local and national legislation of interest to its members. The association organizes a volunteer program called AARP-Elections to educate voters about issues related to seniors. The association’s long-term goals include financial security and affordability of various health care costs for seniors. The association is also working on improving workplace attitudes towards older people and conducting research on the needs of older populations.
The Association operates an extensive nationwide network of volunteers aimed at enhancing the self-worth and self-reliance of older citizens. About 160,000 volunteers participate in various projects of the association. The Grandparent Information Center provides information and support for seniors who educate their grandchildren. The association also provides training for attorneys representing seniors and working on the state’s free senior legal hotline. Tax Services helps more than 1.5 million seniors prepare their taxes every year. The Association’s Consumer Affairs program continues to inform seniors about a variety of goods and services. The association’s Andrus Foundation (Andrus Foundation) establishes funds for scientific research in gerontology and aging and provides financial support.
The Association provides members with various insurance benefits. For example, there is a collective health insurance program, which provides a lower health insurance interest rate as a supplement to the existing insurance coverage; there are associations of vehicle, housing, life, and other insurance programs.
“AARP” magazine, sponsored by the American Association for Older Retirement (AARP), is known as the magazine with the largest circulation in the United States and the world. In 2002, it was merged with “Modern Maturity” and “My Generation” magazine. come. According to the sum of the magazine circulation data published by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) in the previous year and the previous year, the annual circulation of “AARP” magazine exceeds 40 million copies.
AARP (AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol, AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol)
A protocol is used to map a data-link address to an Apple Talk network address.