6 Best Free Language Learning Applications 2022

01 Duolingo:

It’s easy to start learning new languages ​​with Duolingo. Simply open the application and then choose what language you want to learn to start the course immediately. You don’t even need to create an account to start, but if you do it, you can save and track your progress.

This application starts using text, images, and audio to help you learn different languages. The idea is to associate the sound of translations with visual text and images, and then you manually translate audio back to the language of your choice to help strengthen new words and also may learn about, Languages Tutor.

Every part that you complete moves you forward to a more difficult task, to build your vocabulary and sentence structure. You have an option to test several parts at once if you are accustomed to that language, and Duolingo will adjust questions based on how well you do it.

02 Google Translate

Most of these applications teach you language through exercise and progressive steps, while Google only tells you how to write and speak whatever you run through it.

You can use it to translate your text, handwriting, and voice. This means you can enter text manually, draw text, or talk about it to turn it into a target language. You can even save your favorite translation to refer to him quickly whenever you like.

Google translate may be different, but of course a great tool if you are trapped in a particular word or phrase, or if you prefer to target your learning only on certain phrases and sentences. It is especially proven to be useful if you talk to someone who doesn’t know your language

03 Memrise

Memise is another free language learning application. This is not as smooth as duolingo, but easy to do, supports offline courses, and allows you to learn a large number of languages. You can start simply or miss a more advanced lesson.

Something unique about memory is how it teaches you new words and phrases. Words are inserted into sentences with words that sound similar from the language of your choice to help build connections to remember. You also sometimes see some images that you can scroll through the foreign text overlay with images that can be recognized for additional associations.

Another method he uses is teaching language is to mix translation. In this way you learn a few new words at once, and then you continue to learn it repeatedly in a different order to make sure you know it before moving you to the next round.

04 Busuu

Busuu provides applications that are easy to use and flexible in the way you work with courses. Just choose the supported language that you want to learn, enter, and then decide where in the course you want to start – Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Atmermediate, or Travel.

The best feature of Busuu is that the words and phrases that you will learn are very helpful for beginners who may have been around foreign speakers and need to learn words in the context quickly.

This application teaches you words and phrases of vocabulary, both isolated and in sentences, and then ask you when you move forward through the level to test your knowledge.

05 Essential Application Accellastudy

Accellastudy has a separate cellular application for each language you want to learn. Each application is very easy to use, supports offline usage, and only varies in the words they give to you – all the same features.

Different learning methods are included like Pashto Language in this application, such as flash cards, audio quizzes, space repetitions, and others. Hands-free mode is perfect if you drive so you can learn without ever seeing your device.

This application allows you to build your own study set so you decide which words you focus on. This is good if you have trouble learning a few words – just put them in the same study set and learn them separately from all other words.

06 Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a professional level service for language learning, but they offer free applications that are specifically intended to help travelers learn basic words and phrases.